La cocina de Michelle




Curacao On

La Cocina de Michelle” is a TV variety show segment lasting 2 to 5 minutes, created to offer easy recipes and position different brands. BBVFX conceived and fully developed the concept, from selecting the host to recording and editing. This led to a unique and distinct concept that not only benefited the sponsoring brands but also helped empower the children of Curacao.

Geographic scope:

Curacao, Curaçao

Target audience:


Our specialty:

Video Production.
Our expertise in video production encompasses everything from conceptual development to final edits, offering a full spectrum of services tailored to meet the needs of each unique project. For “La Cocina de Michelle,” our specialized skills in creating engaging and visually appealing content were crucial. We excel in transforming ideas into vibrant visual stories that resonate with audiences, leveraging the latest technology and creative insights to produce effective and memorable media.

Challenges faced:

The challenges included ensuring the content was engaging enough to capture and retain the audience’s attention within a 2 to 5-minute timeframe, making the segment both informative and entertaining. Additionally, selecting the right host was crucial to resonate with a diverse audience, including empowering the youth in Curacao. From our end, the challenge was to develop a distinctive and appealing concept that aligned with the client’s vision, managing the entire process from conceptualization to post-production efficiently.

Key skills applied in this project:

  • Creative Conceptualization: Generating a unique show concept that aligns with strategic brand goals while being relatable and engaging for the target audience.
  • Talent Acquisition: Scouting and selecting the ideal host who embodies the show’s spirit and can connect authentically with viewers.
  • Dynamic Video Production: Employing advanced filming techniques to capture high-quality visuals that enhance the viewer’s experience.
  • Strategic Brand Integration: Seamlessly incorporating sponsor messages and products into the show’s content without detracting from its educational value.
  • Community Engagement: Focusing on content that not only entertains but also empowers and educates, particularly benefiting the youth of Curaçao.

Solutions implemented:

To address these challenges, BBVFX created a comprehensive strategy that encompassed every aspect of production. We began with extensive research to understand the target audience deeply, ensuring the content’s relevance and appeal. In selecting the host, we looked for someone who could connect with viewers personally, making cooking feel accessible and fun, especially for young audiences in Curacao. The development of “La Cocina de Michelle” involved a creative approach to recipe selection and brand positioning, ensuring each segment was packed with value for both viewers and sponsors. Our solution included a dynamic editing style and the use of vibrant visuals to make each recipe visually appealing and easy to understand. By closely collaborating with the client and sponsors, we ensured that the content authentically represented the brands involved while maintaining the educational and empowering essence of the segment. This holistic approach led to a unique and engaging TV segment that met the client’s goals, offering an innovative platform for brand positioning and contributing to the community’s empowerment in Curacao.

Impact and results:

The launch and subsequent airing of “La Cocina de Michelle” had a profound impact on various fronts. First and foremost, it significantly enhanced brand visibility for the sponsors involved. Through carefully crafted segments that seamlessly integrated product placements and brand messages into engaging culinary content, the show achieved notable success in brand positioning within the competitive market of Curacao. The audience engagement metrics saw a considerable uplift, with viewers responding positively to the easy-to-follow recipes and the charismatic presentation by Michelle, leading to an increase in viewer loyalty and segment popularity.   On a community level, “La Cocina de Michelle” played a pivotal role in empowering the youth of Curacao. By making cooking accessible and enjoyable, the show inspired many young viewers to explore culinary arts, fostering a sense of independence and creativity. This aspect of empowerment was a significant value-add for the client and resonated deeply with the audience, reinforcing the show’s position as not just a cooking segment but a community influencer.   Furthermore, the strategic collaboration with BBVFX in developing and executing the concept demonstrated the power of thoughtful content creation and targeted brand promotion in today’s digital age. The success of “La Cocina de Michelle” underscored the effectiveness of combining entertainment with educational content, proving that such initiatives could achieve commercial objectives while contributing positively to the community.   In summary, the impact of our work on “La Cocina de Michelle” extended beyond the initial objectives, setting a new benchmark for content that bridges commercial goals with community empowerment, thereby establishing a lasting legacy for the show and its sponsors in the Curacao market.


The successful execution of “La Cocina de Michelle” stands as a testament to BBVFX’s capabilities in harnessing the power of video production to create content that transcends traditional marketing. By integrating compelling culinary education with strategic brand placement, we increased our client’s visibility and positively impacted the community. This project showcased our ability to blend creativity with functionality, making “La Cocina de Michelle” a benchmark in the industry for achieving commercial success while fostering community empowerment. The show’s popularity and the resulting brand loyalty exemplify our commitment to excellence and innovation in video production. “La Cocina de Michelle” is more than just a cooking segment; it’s a catalyst for cultural engagement and a beacon for aspiring young chefs in Curaçao, demonstrating the profound effect of thoughtful media creation on business and society.

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